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Sea people : changing lives and times in the Newfoundland and Labrador fisheries / Editors: Helen Woodrow and Frances Ennis.
Far away but close to home : local people remember war and peace, stories for reading levels 1 and 2 / 7. Veterans' stories 5 / research by Julie Meyers ; written and edited by John Wood.
Far away but close to home : local people remember war and peace, stories for reading levels 1 and 2 / 6. War Brides' stories / research by Julie Meyers ; written and edited by John Wood.
Far away but close to home : local people remember war and peace, stories for reading levels 1 and 2 / 4. Veterans' stories 3 / research by Julie Meyers ; written and edited by John Wood.
Far away but close to home : local people remember war and peace, stories for reading levels 1 and 2 / 3. Veterans' stories 2 / research by Julie Meyers ; written and edited by John Wood.
Far away but close to home : local people remember war and peace, stories for reading levels 1 and 2 / 8. Veterans' stories 6 / research by Julie Meyers ; written and edited by John Wood.
Far away but close to home : local people remember war and peace, stories for reading levels 1 and 2 / 1. Civilians' stories / research by Julie Meyers ; written and edited by John Wood.
Far away but close to home : local people remember war and peace, stories for reading levels 1 and 2 / 5. Civilians' stories / research by Julie Meyers ; written and edited by John Wood.
Our lives. A caring life / Dorothy Goodyear.
Far away but close to home : local people remember war and peace, workbook for reading levels 1 and 2. Workbook 8. Civilians' stories / written and edited by John Wood.

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